Wednesday, 22 August 2012

I've moved my site!

Hi there anyone who has taken the time to look me up on-line. I will no longer post new posts here but I will leave this site active as long as Blogger don't take it down. I have a new website with the blog integrated into it and I will be posting there instead— come and visit me.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Give More Campaign goes live today!

Screen grabs of some of the components I have designed.
The wall of faces is an interactive widget which shows images of all the people who have pledged, pulled from various social media sites.

The wall of faces is an interactive widget which shows images of all the people who have pledged, pulled from various social media sites.

The video carousel.

The latest news banner.

A standard page template.

The Facebook banner and the footer.

These next few slides show grabs from the pledge process. Here the user has chosen to give more energy to education.

Once the user has made their pledge, they are asked to provide a little more information about themselves so that statistics can be drawn from the data and presented in other parts of the site. 

The user is thanked for pledging and given information on how they can follow through with their pledge. 

View a pledge: Clicking on a face on the wall, a user will see that person's pledge. I have just finished creating the generic character avatars for those users who don't want their images used. This is the male avatar. 

More to come.... as the site continues to evolve, I will add more grabs of the components I have designed. 

Thursday, 5 April 2012

The Give More site and campaign getting underway.

For the last year or so,  I have been working on a campaign spearheaded by the founder of the Pears Foundation. Through Public Life, we have been there from it's infancy. It has grown and changed, but the core message has always been the same- let's all pledge to give more to the causes and charities we care about... and then do it, of course. Not that we will check up on you- we trust you!

We created the logo and an initial web presence, which was used to describe the campaign to those who needed to get involved and move it forward successfully. With advice and recommendations from different sources, the campaign grew and changed-more agencies were brought on board and we went from handling everything, to taking care of the on-line presence... Public Life's speciality.

The logo and core brand didn't change much, but it did grow, as it should have done, and is now quite mature! The website is also growing and changing all the time, so please have a play and make a pledge - see how you can change things for the better. I could post stills of the design here, but seeing it working, and experiencing it is a far better way to appreciate it, so what are you waiting for? ... off you go

Friday, 9 March 2012

Mary Ward pitch visuals

Some snippets of a design I came up with for a friendly, London-based further education centre. These are only pitch visuals- so I cannot show the complete design here, but this will give you a flavour. I really liked working on this one.